Can i take both PABA and folate ?

Also can excess zinc cause hair loss ? (cause i wanna start taking supplement with 22mg zinc plus copper)

In the past i had lost a lot of hair due to iron and feritin deficiency ! And when i say a lot...i can say i lost for sure more than the 2/3 of my hair !

When i realised the cause of course i started taking iron....but whenever my blood tests were good and i was doing a break from iron i was experiencing significal hair loss again, and the blood tests were showing low feritin and iron the next time i was checking them.

Lets pass to present....some months before i found 2 white hairs...this was the reason i went and checked my folic acid and iron and feritin and everything was normal. I also checked my thyroid it was normal and i never had a problem with it ( i check it really often)

2 months after i am experiencing CRAZY HAIR LOSS, not only in the shower but in everyday life....i was just passing my hands through my hair and i was loosing crazy amount of hair, immediately i thought that my iron should have dropped again as usual...i started taking iron again NOTHING i was seeing no improvement, then i started some vid B no improvement again. I lost so many i thought to take folate and IT WORKED! Hair loss stopped in 5 days.

I read that low folic acid can also cause premature grey hair...and i am under 30 so this is premature!

My question is if folate is enough of if i should also take PABA for the premature white hair, plus last years i have destroyed my sleep schedule and i think this might be a sign of low PABA....

I read that PABA is important for our bodies in order to make folic acid !

So maybe the reason for my hair loss plus premature grey hair is PABA and not folate?

Can i take both at the same time?

i don't take any medicines, i don't smoke, drink or do drugs, i don't have any known health problem.