Rückkaufswert SwissLife 3a
I‘m 24 and did the stupid decision signing a life insurance when I was 20 years old. I‘ve been paying my monthly premium of 150.- ever since.
I recently openend a fisca account at a bank and want to transfer my Guthaben from swisslife to the bank. My rückkaufswert is approx. 900 chf lower than what I initially payed in that whole time. Tbh I can live with that loss, but I‘m struggling bachelor student paying my premium + bills + kk + semestergebühren and I hardly come by and I need the flexibility from a bank.
My Berater advised me to wait until I break even with my rückkaufswert but no matter how you turn the page I‘ll always have to deal with losses. He even said that I should wait until my rückkaufswert is in the plus but I know the rückkaufswert will always be lower than what I payed.