Best student vaping excuse so far this year.
I (39 m) teach hs math and my room is right next to student bathrooms. Due to 5 min passing, I generally run in to use the bathroom every period or two (please don't hate me!) since I drink a lot of water. I've probably caught a few dozen, mostly repeat offenders, vaping in the bathroom in my 1.5 years here. Lucky for me, the dean's office is 25 feet away. I don't go in looking in stalls, but when kids are handing things off in the bathroom, over stalls, or standing on stall toilet seats there is a red flag.
Yesterday was my best excuse so far... 3 kids 2 stalls... standing on the toilet handing things over. I round them all up to bring them and say "wow that's a new one for me.. I hear about girls sometimes in 2 stalls and they are up to no good. First time seeing 2 guys in a stall together."
"I was showing him a video..." says one student.
"OH ok makes total sense. I show my friends video in the bathroom stall together too, also while I'm standing on the toilet. Guess we have a lot in common." /s
Good lord I am glad today is Friday of a 3 day weekend :)