I am not the students secretary

How many times a day I get buzzed in the middle of a class, texted, and emailed asking to balance one of my 30 kid’s personal lives. When they miss something, you get this smile and a head shake as if you dropped the ball.

We are babysitters, forced to teach on grade level to below grade level students, using curriculums purchased by people who never taught, to overpopulated classrooms, full of kids who are taking a 7 hour break from watching tiktok.

So when you stop me in the hall while I’m in the process of running to the bathroom to avoid getting a UTI after holding my pee for three hours, you telling me “can you remind Jess she needs to go to the reading specialist after gym” I promise you, I will forget. And even if I did remember, Jess would have already forgotten by then. And I will still be the one you make passive remarks to.

This is all day. Nonstop. My head is going to explode from the amount of micromanaging I am required to do.