Anyone seen a carrier oil used for their Testosterone this dark?
Hey guys, I recently purchased this Sustanon online and its way darker than anything i have ever used from this same lab and website. Usually the carrier oil is cottonseed oil and has a clearish/yellow colour and so i contacted the website i ordered from asking what the deal with this new batch of sustanon is. They replied that this new batch is a mix of cottonseed oil and sesame oil to be able to handle mixing more mgs/ml.
Has anyone ever used a carrier oil that was this dark and would you feel safe injecting it yourself?
Hey guys, I recently purchased this Sustanon online and its way darker than anything i have ever used from this same lab and website. Usually the carrier oil is cottonseed oil and has a clearish/yellow colour and so i contacted the website i ordered from asking what the deal with this new batch of sustanon is. They replied that this new batch is a mix of cottonseed oil and sesame oil to be able to handle mixing more mgs/ml.
Has anyone ever used a carrier oil that was this dark and would you feel safe injecting it yourself?