OK guys! Time to mobilize!
Good evening, everyone. Every day, I'm bombarded like all of you with the constant breaking news of chaos and destruction of our democracy. It's through this chaos that hope is gathering. We're seeing the resistance taking shape from GOP townhalls to the answering lines of our elected representatives to tesla sales free falling around the world. As we sit here today, Elon Musk's net worth has dropped by about 50 billion in the last couple of weeks. FITTY! BILLION! Yet still some will say we have no chance, what we're doing doesn't matter, our voices have no audience but it isn't true. If you've been here the last 19 days, you'll know I've been trying to drill into people's consciousness that we do have power, we do have a chance, and we are fighting back. We do have hope! Do you guys see it? Can you feel it? The revolution HAS BEGUN! We are living through history. While still in the early stages, our movement is promising, and it will continue to grow as long we put in the effort. So what I want you guys to do is please share this post & sub any and everywhere you can. The time to mobilize is now. We're doing a lot of things. (https://takedemocracyback.org/) will go live by the end of this week. They're writing open letters to protest bills before Congress. We're trying to organize small protests at town halls. More than anything, we are trying to recruit members. We have 700+ community members and about 20 official organizers. There's lots to do and we need all the help we can get.
Please go join the discord (https://discord.gg/V75xXfn3) save & share it along with (https://takedemocracyback.org/) Continue to call your representatives with the 5 calls app. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.a5calls.android.a5calls) and if you're new here, please refer to my post of 10 things you can do right this moment to combat the oligarchs. (https://www.reddit.com/r/The99Society/s/UKZLFp3ir6) Remember, February 28th is the economic blackout day. Do not buy anything, do not comply, do not comform. We're gonna hit them where it hurts. In the pockets. Check out the general strike sign up: (https://generalstrikeus.com/strikecard)
Lastly, I just want to say thank you guys for all your continued engagement. we've amassed over 5,000 members, and my collective posts on the Tech oligarchy have been viewed literally millions of times. In less than 3 weeks since my original post of blonde poltics video (https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no?) I'm seeing more and more people starting to talk about the Tech Oligarchy, and that's all I ever wanted to accomplish with this. The video itself has grown from 426,000 view to 2.1 million in only 19 days. I acutually was able to get in contact with Blonde Poltics through her comments to let her know about what I've been doing and she said thank you to all of you for the support, dedication & i want to cosign thank you. IDK about you, but I'm not ready to give America up to the rich, and if you aren't either, then the time to get engaged is now!