Quality of Life Request: Spinning Stops with Full Bag
I know this site is just for users, but recently another redditor said they were going to talk with Niantic, so I really wanted to highlight the need for spinning PokeStops when item bags are full.
A few people said this was a useless request, just throw away some items. Or you don't really need to spin the stop anyways. Except some accounts have 300+ items over their limit because raids, max battles, and rewards keep stacking items. There are only so many items you can throw away or expand your bag by when the game keeps throwing hundreds of items at you.
So, here are reasons why allowing us to spin would improve gameplay:
Research missions requiring spinning stops become annoying or near impossible to complete.
First spin of day streak can't be done. Normally this is done for items, but later on we need to do this for level up.
Getting new research tasks.
Gifts. To get more gifts, you often need to spin. Well good luck when your inventory is full.
Spinning "new stops" for medals and buddy hearts.
Party Missions often have a big spin stop missions. Again, this is torture when you have excess inventory. Your party just cannot do this mission anymore.
Collecting the daily raid pass. It is still possible, but very annoying to try getting your pass when the game doesn't want you to spin.
Ghimmighoul coin farming gets slowed down.
(optional) PokeStop eggs can't be obtained despite them not using a traditional item slot.
Did I miss any other benefits to spinning stops that don't include items. Again, I am not asking for items from spinning. I have too many items! Gifts can already be opened when maxed out, hopefully the community can also get behind this change so we can have one less management component of our game.
Also bug report: with two daily raid passes, I have seen that I can spin a stop with excess items to collect my second pass AND get stop items.
This contributes too having too many items again. But at least we can get our second pass quickly. And it is a way to keep spinning stops for missions. (need to test this out when back on single pass).