The flattest BBL (lipo360, tummy-tuck, lipofilling, results after 2 months)

Collage 1: 2 months after surgery Collage 2: 1 month after surgery Collage 3: 2 days before surgery

I have been on hormones for almost 4 yrs, but unfortunately they didn't help my figure at all. So i decided to put myself deeper into debt and do a surgery to make my figure more feminine. It turned out very dissapointing.

The surgery was done at dr mfo (dr Okyay) in Antalya.

The plan was to do full 360 liposuction and get as much fat as possible. This fat would be injected into my hips and buttocks for a round, curvy, feminine figure. A tummy-tuck would be necessary due to loose skin in the stomach area.

Immediately after waking after surgery, i knew something went wrong. I could tell hardly anything was put into my butt. At first, they kept telling me that everything went fine and that I should be more patient. However, time proved that indeed it didn't went well.

My buttocks are very flat and loose. Somehow, they look worse than before. My hips might have improved very slightly , but still not at all what i had hoped for. Recovery for my stomach is very slow and it still looks pretty bad. There's a high chance i will still end up with loose skin there.

In the end, they did admit that it didn't went well. They said that there was hardly any fat to harvest and that they couldn't have foreseen this. This is odd, as i was quite chubby (173, 83 kg) when i approached them and they had asked me to loose weight in the months. I was 76 kg right before surgery.

The impact has been very severe. Together with the loss of the only person i had ever had a connection with and the large postponement of my GRS, i feel very hopeless now. After 4 yrs on hormones and 3 surgeries, i still look very masculine and my dysphoria is through the roof. Im isolated again, have a huge debt, and there is no hope/help in sight.