Why does the police do this?
I listened to a dateline episode a couple of days ago and it has stuck with me.
A gentleman with a sleep disorder (needs machines to sleep) wakes up thinking he heard something, goes to check on his daughters in the other room, everything seems okay and goes back to sleep
The day breaks and he finds his 14yo daughter dead. He calls 911 the police comes over and he's obviously suspect number 1.
However, in the neighbourhood there have been some breakins and SAs (the daughter was SAd too) and after investigating the breakins, the police insists that the dad was in on the murder of his own daughter.
The dad was interrogated, and forced to confess to the crime 4 times and that's how he lost the case because no Jury would believe 4 false confessions despite the fact that the criminal testified that he had never seen, met or interacted with the dad.
This guy was found guilty sentenced to prison and dies there missing out on life with his younger daughter.
Where's the justice in that? Why was the police so adamant? My heart really broke for his family.