7 month check-in photo. 65lb down.
Another pen finished which means a monthly check-in for me, and sharing as your stories inspired me so hoping I can do a bit of the same.
65lb down (29.6kg) since beginning in January.
And a crazy week this week - a week off work that previously would have been filled with huge quantities of alcohol and binge eating, and this time around was filled with ... swims, spin classes and walking every day! I never did those when I was this slim 30 years ago, but I'm loving every moment of a slimmer body and so enjoying being active with it.
Since learning early on what caused any bad symptoms I've managed to remain more or less side effects free for another month.
Downsides? I bought some fairly expensive outdoor gear in a medium, with the hope I'd fit into it for winter. And I'm now (this is crazy!!) wondering if I might blow through medium and need to buy small 😮. I just can't believe how lucky we are this drug exists and we can feel how everyone else must feel - no longer controlled by food, free from it, and free to then make healthier choices.
Currently on 7.5mg and planning to hold here whilst it's working so well.
Still have love handles, so work still to be done 🤣
Another pen finished which means a monthly check-in for me, and sharing as your stories inspired me so hoping I can do a bit of the same.
65lb down (29.6kg) since beginning in January.
And a crazy week this week - a week off work that previously would have been filled with huge quantities of alcohol and binge eating, and this time around was filled with ... swims, spin classes and walking every day! I never did those when I was this slim 30 years ago, but I'm loving every moment of a slimmer body and so enjoying being active with it.
Since learning early on what caused any bad symptoms I've managed to remain more or less side effects free for another month.
Downsides? I bought some fairly expensive outdoor gear in a medium, with the hope I'd fit into it for winter. And I'm now (this is crazy!!) wondering if I might blow through medium and need to buy small 😮. I just can't believe how lucky we are this drug exists and we can feel how everyone else must feel - no longer controlled by food, free from it, and free to then make healthier choices.
Currently on 7.5mg and planning to hold here whilst it's working so well.
Still have love handles, so work still to be done 🤣