So incredibly emotional about my summer born starting school this September 😭 am I too obsessed with her?!

So my daughter turns 4 in July and so she is due to start school this September. It's a constant thought in my mind and it's really churning me up. She's a very clever little girl but I worry about her emotional and social development.

She's overly emotional at times. Another child can be sad/hurt and it's like she really really feels their emotions too. I don't know if this is such a bad thing? She's incredibly kind and thoughtful but she's not mature enough to learn how to deal with those big emotions.

Socially, she's getting there slowly. She goes to nursery 3 mornings a week (9am-12pm) and she does have friends. But I've seen her in other social situation and she can freak out when a child approaches her if she's not 'ready' for this.

I'm a SAHM, she's my eldest and I have an 8 month old too. I'm worried I'm too obsessed with my daughter! Is it normal to feel so incredibly sad about them starting school? Is she not ready? Is it my gut telling me to defer her (my husband is against this)? Does anyone have a summer born who settled into reception fine? Does it get easier? Oh god the worries are endless 😭