Any issues with receiving paychecks while in BCT?

My husband is shipping out for basic on September 25th. We're newly married so we haven't combined finances just yet, but I have access to all his accounts so I can pay his bills and rent with the BHA pay we'll be receiving. He filled out all the appropriate paperwork months ago and triple checked with his recruiter that everything is set but recruiter is not the best if I'm being honest, and he's has issues with getting his drill pay into his account (he's National Guard). We're both super anxious about if there will be any issues on receiving the funds. I have all the contact info of who I would need to contact in case we have issues, but we're preparing for him not receiving his check until the 15th of October, and since we won't be receiving any of his normal paychecks until the 15th, we are extremely tight. Has anyone had issues with receiving their BHA and pay while at basic training? If so, how was it resolved and how long did it take? Anything past October 15th would be extremely difficult for us to manage. Thanks in advance!