COVID Spike in Finals Week
As you’ve probably seen, the COVID numbers are spiking hard again. While I currently do not have any symptoms yet, a number of people I have been around (shared drinks, vapes) have tested positive lately. I an vaccinated so while the university says I don’t need to isolate, my friends were also vaccinated so I’m not sure that thats sound advice for stopping the spread.
I have two finals remaining, both of which are in person paper exams. I have a solid A (>95%) in both courses, and I can’t risk getting an incomplete this semester.
At this point, it feels ethically dubious for me to show up knowing that there’s a good chance I am a ticking omicron timebomb. On the other hand, I am worried that if I email my professors about this, that I won’t be able to finish the semester with an A and instead get an Incomplete.
Anyone able to offer any advice? I’m afraid once I reach out to the university that they will give me an I, and that all the hard work I’ve put into this semester of hell will be ignored.