Client filed a complaint against me

A very angry and particular client lodged a complaint against me to the OAVT because she thinks I killed her cat.

This client is already known for being a real piece of work. She only ever wants to see one particular doctor because everyone else is incompetent and horrible (her words). She's also horrible to the front desk staff and verbally abusive.

This was my first interaction and only interaction with her. Her cat (a psycho Bengal) was always very aggressive in clinic and she brought him in because he was having some diarrhea. We have an alert of file he had been required on come on PVPs for all appointments, but she refused to cooperate and would never give them.

Myself and one of our younger doctors had to see the cat because "her doctor" was off that day and she didn't want to wait for the next day- she was already very unhappy we couldn't make "her doctor" come in just to see her cat.

We were unable to touch or treat the cat at all due to his behaviour, injectable sedation would have been impossible due to his temperament and she was unwilling to come back another day on PVPs. I offered to book her an appointment with "her doctor" in a few days as his schedule is always very full. She didn't like this option, either. We tried to give SQ fluids, dex, and convenia as she declined diagnostics (which we wouldn't have been able to do, anyways) and I attempted for 3 minutes to corral her cat in the bottom of his carrier with a towel, as I was unable to put a hand on him even with cat gloves. After this, we were unsuccessful and the client got verbally abusive with me and my doctor because we couldn't handle her psycho cat. I'll be honest, I did get snippy back as my patience had run thin by this point. That said, I didn't say anything abusive, just snippy, and the whole appointment was audio recorded so I do have proof of everything said.

What I'm worried about is that she claims the stress from this initial appointment caused her cat to get increasingly sick and die. She claims I manhandled her cat, which I absolutely did not do, and this was the cause of death. The audio recording sounds bad because he was hissing and spitting the whole time, but I wasn't even able to touch him. I cannot prove I didn't manhandle her cat- it's her word against mine and my doctor's.

I had nothing further to do with her cat after this interaction- he saw "her doctor" the next day and the cat had gotten much more sick during his stay in the vet clinic over the next few days. He had an exploratory laparotomy done as "her doctor" suspected a foreign body. He was euthanized two days later due to continued decline. Was sent him away for a necropsy and found post-surgical complications were likely the cause of decline/death (dehiscence of the stomach sutures and aspiration pneumonia).

I know that the client is using me as a scapegoat and is devastated by the loss of her cat. I know I messed up when I lost my patience and got snippy with her, but I'm confident I did nothing else wrong. Management is backing me up and I have done everything I can to be cooperative and make amends with this client. I'm so worried about what is going to happen with the OAVT and how this is going to impact my career. Does anyone have any experience dealing with client complaints to the OAVT and how the process goes?