I don't "get" this champ

Been playing since about August and, frankly, haven't improved much at all. Jungle only. I went through a long, long period of rotating through pretty much every viable jungler and so barely have mastery on several dozen. I've put that behind me, only playing champs I can actually play competently in ranked.

One of them feels like Master Yi. I say feels because it's just so feast or famine and mainly famine. I just don't "get" him. I watch guides, I watch pro plays and the bulk of his style is just "run at enemy, flay alive with tons of autos, dodge with Q, reset/tank with W if needed"

But I do this, I do this in Iron mind you, and I get gapped. I can consistently S rank with Warwick. I can't with Yi. Some games I do just walk into lane and get a double. Others I'm 2/7/2 and a non entity unless the enemy royally screws up and fails to close a game until I catch back up 1-2 items.

What exactly am I potentially doing wrong? What might I not know about Yi that isn't covered by things like knowing his auto resets, itemizing after item 2-3 into an enemy comp, turbo farming (I already do this. I keep my camps almost permanently on cool down)