Translating Ceasar's Kit from English into English


Caesar's kit was completely incomprehensible to me on first read. This is an attempt to make it a bit more intuitive.

  • I have renamed and restructured many of the abilities for clarity's sake, so if you learn her kit from this document you might be confused if you go read the official tooltips.

  • I will try to make this document propositionally equivalent to the original text (and what I can infer from the data blocks), but I can't actually play Caesar to test if it's completely correct. In a few cases where I can significantly reduce complexity, I have taken the liberty of making the descriptions only practically equivalent.

  • Based on English datamine on Hakush

I will be presenting the abilities in order of importance, which differs slightly from the conventional order:

  1. ⚪/🟣 Special Attack
  2. 🌐 Core Passive
  3. 👊 Basic Attack
  4. ⏏️ Dodge
  5. 🔁 Assist
  6. ✨ Chain/Ultimate

⚪/🟣 Special Attacks

Passives and Concepts

Concept: Shield Bash and Counterattack

Caesar's Special and EX Special can be pressed twice in a row: a Shield Bash followed by a Counterattack. She can perform these attacks in succession whether or not she is being attacked by an enemy.

Passive: Perfect Block

If an enemy hits Caesar during a Shield Bash, it triggers a Perfect Block:

  • The damage of the attack is negated.
  • The enemy takes extra daze.
  • If you follow up with a Counterattack, it becomes a Perfect Counterattack, gaining improved effects.

Caesar's EX Attacks can trigger Perfect block if the attack interrupts the enemy, even if she didn't get hit.

Passive: Guard Stance

Some of Caesar's abilities put her into Guard Stance for a duration, gaining the following effects:

  • Reduce incoming damage by 40%.
  • If hit by an attack, Caesar is knocked back slightly, and you can immediately press ⚪ or 🟣 to activate a Perfect Counterattack.

Passive: Stance Switch

When Caesar triggers a Perfect Block or activates a Perfect Counterattack or Defensive Assist, her impact increases by [9% - 24% based on skill level] for 3 seconds.

⚪ Normal Special Attacks

Shield Bash

Strike forward dealing Physical DMG.

If this attack triggers a Perfect Block, Caesar automatically activates Perfect Counterattack without having to press the button.

Afterwards, Caesar enters Guard Stance.


Thrust forward, dealing Physical DMG.

This attack has increased Anti-Interrupt Level. If this is a Perfect Counterattack, Caesar is invulnerable during the attack.

🟣 EX Special Attacks

EX Shield Bash

  • Effect: Invulnerable during this skill

Strike forward with the shield and sword, dealing Physical DMG.

If this attack triggers a Perfect Block, the enemy takes additional damage, and the followup EX Perfect Counterattack doesn't cost energy.

Afterwards, Caesar enters Guard Stance.

EX Counterattack

  • Effect: Invulnerable during this skill

Strike forward with the shield, dealing massive Physical DMG.

If Caesar is hit by an enemy during this attack, or if it triggers an interrupt:

  • Recover the energy used to activate the skill.
  • If this attack Isn't a Perfect Counterattack, it can trigger a Perfect Block.

(This essentially means that if you spam Caesar's EX specials, you can trigger Perfect Block on either the initial EX Shield Bash OR the follow-up non-perfect EX Counterattack. I don't think that triggering perfect block this way allows you to follow up with a bonus EX Perfect Counterattack after the initial non-perfect one.)

🌐 Core Passive

Passive: Radiant Aegis

When Caesar activates Ex Shield Bash, EX Perfect Counterattack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, she creates a Shield equal to [300% - 1400% of Impact based on Core Level] plus [200 - 1400 based on Core Level]. The Shield lasts for 90 seconds. If an attack would deal enough damage to destroy it, any remaining damage is negated.

The shield blocks damage dealt to the on-field character. It grants the following buffs to the on-field character, which last for 5 seconds after the shield is destroyed:

  • Anti-Interrupt level is increased.
  • ATK is increased by [40 - 1000 based on Core Level].

Additional Ability: Battle Spirit

This ability is active if another character in the squad satisfies one of these conditions:

  • Sons of Calydon Faction
  • Character has a Defensive Assist (their swap-in move is a parry rather than slow-time)

When Caesar activates Perfect Block, Perfect Counterattack, Defensive Assist, or Hold Basic Attack, she debuffs all enemies within a 7m radius, increasing the damage they take from all teammates by 25% for 30s.

👊 Basic Attack

Spam Basic Attack

Unleashes up to 6 slashes ahead, dealing Physical DMG.

Hold Basic Attack

  • Effect: Invulnerable during this skill
  • Cost: Consume 1 Assist Point

Toss the shield and attack nearby enemies in all directions, dealing Physical DMG.

I think this is the move that pulls enemies towards Caesar.

⏏️ Dodge


Ordinary Dodge.

Dash Attack (attack after non-perfect dodge or running)

Strikes forward with the shield, dealing Physical DMG.

For the duration of the attack, Caesar is in Guard Stance.

Perfect Dodge Counter

Ordinary Dodge counter, deals Physical DMG.

🔁 Assist

Quick Assist

Ordinary Quick Assist, deals Physical DMG.

Defensive Assist

Parry the enemy attack, dealing massive Daze.

If parrying a heavy enemy attack, consume only 1 Assist Point rather than 2.

Defensive Assist Follow-Up Attack

Toss the shield forward and slash, dealing Physical DMG.

After activating the skill, press ⚪ or 🟣 to activate Perfect Counterattack.


Chain Attack

Ordinary Chain Attack, deals Physical DMG.


Do a bunch of cool moves dealing Physical DMG.

If you hit a shielded enemy, the Daze of this attack increases by [45% - 120% based on skill lvl].