Partner may have COVID. Was initially on board with isolation but now is angry at the prospect of continuing to isolate.

Hey all,

Please do NOT repost this story/post in any other subs or social media platforms.

I don't know if I'm looking for advice, support, solidarity, or what. I'm really upset right now and not sure if I'm thinking clearly.

My partner spent most of this week with his family - Monday through Thursday. They had just returned from an international trip (flights back were Sunday and Monday). My in-laws masked on the plane, but we found out on Friday afternoon that they tested positive for COVID. Since then, we have learned, from my father-in-law's doctor, that his infectious period began on Wednesday.

Now, my partner had come home Thursday night, and admitted to me that his parents had been feeling sick before he left but had tested negative. He and I slept in the same bed Thursday night and spent Friday morning and afternoon together.

As soon as we found out about the positive test, we began isolating - me in one room, and him in another. He so far only has left the room to use the bathroom or leave the apartment to go on a walk outside (masked). I bring him his meals and such, and otherwise also am the one cooking, cleaning, etc. I wear a mask if he has been in the space within the past couple of hours (we have an air purifier running 24/7) but otherwise not.

Well it's now Sunday afternoon and he decided to take an antigen test (we are also waiting on an order of CUE tests). He has been going stir-crazy, and decided that if he tests negative, he is gonna stop isolating. I told him this was ridiculous and he needs to isolate post-exposure for at least five days. He got really angry and told me he has been isolating for too long, even though it has been exactly 48 hours (Friday afternoon 4 pm to now, Sunday afternoon at 4 pm).

His claim is that since he has been with his parents since Monday, he would have displayed symptoms or tested positive by now. But I'm saying that that doesn't make sense, and the math says he needs to consider his exposure period to have begun on Thursday, when he left. Especially considering his dad was not infectious till Wednesday.

He is now getting increasingly angry and sarcastic, and then sent me a text saying, "I've tested positive, congrats." Except that based on the tone of this previous texts, this could have been just him lashing out and being sarcastic. When I called him to find out if he actually tested positive, he said that he had, but when I asked about his inhaler and if he is gonna call his doctor to get medication, he said he was not going to. Then he started arguing and said, "I'm not sick."

So now I'm confused. I genuinely do not know if he has COVID. I can't go anywhere else because, while my family lives nearby, one of my parents is quite sick (I'm 80% sure it's COVID) and the rest of my family doesn't take precautions.

I'm questioning myself because his math does not make sense, and he is irate in a way that I don't understand. He seems to be implying that I'm selfish for making him isolate, but I am not actually the one who told him to do that - we both mutually agreed that we should isolate from each other and everyone else. His logic seems to be that if he has COVID I definitely do, but I don't think that that's true.

I've already had COVID before and I desperately do not want to be reinfected.

Anyways, if you have read this far - thank you.