Any plastic-free/zero-waste antiperspirant options?
I've searched through previous posts on similar topics and the last ones were from about a year ago, so making another post just in case new products have come out since then.
I am looking for *antiperspirants* (not deodorants, odour is not an issue for me please stop suggesting deodorants) that are plastic-free/zero-waste/minimal plastic. I've tried deodorants in the past, but they just don't cut it. I was hopeful with the Ethique deodorant range, especially as they are a local company, but I felt the products did nothing for me in terms of my sweaty-ness. Even with antiperspirants, I prefer stick ones to roll-ons (maybe I'm not being patient enough for it to dry).
So, do any of you use or are aware of plastic-free antiperspirants? (Again, antiperspirants NOT deodorants) Preferably one that ships internationally since I'm at the bottom of the world in NZ... though I do have an internal argument about my impact if a product is plastic free but being sent from the other side of the world. Even for products that don't ship internationally, hopefully this post can become a good resource for other people who live in those countries :)
ETA: I'm not necessarily after a "natural" product. I'm after plastic-free/ reduced plastic packaging. ETA2: I want an antiperspirant as I want to reduce my perspiration; I'm not looking for deodorants as odour is not an issue for me