How to start an anti-fascism neighbourhood support group
I'm just a regular non-conspiracy-theory-believing guy who's scared shitless about how Canada is on the verge of joining other parts of the world by falling into fascism. Alberta literally feels like the doorway to the US and I can all see the craziness of what is happening down there right now. That is not the world I want to leave for my kids. So I've been agitated into action.
Since it's not too late to avoid fascism in Canada, I was thinking of what I can do to peacefully contribute in my local community. I'm wondering if anyone can help me think through how to start an in-person support group for like minded individuals in my local community/neighbourhood. I'm a little afraid of looking like a looney toon to my neighbours but don't want that to hold me back.
The group would be aimed at the older-than-tiktok crowd and would focus on creating awareness, providing education, and generally providing an outlet to discuss the issues of the day. My hope would be that it would grow to something where we can invite others to join who may not have these issues front of mind.
What do you think? Would it be worth it? Do you have any advice?