What's wrong with playing cautiously?
I played apex legends for seasons 2 through 4 religiously but then started working long hours so stopped.
Now I have started playing again season 15 ranked. I play for many hours in the evening and I love slowly moving up the ranks. I like Octane but mainly use caustic.
My preferred playstyle is to run from building to building and hide as much as I can. I see no point in getting into fights early, risk dying and losing my rank.
I would rather make it into the top 4 for some guaranteed rank points.
But randoms in rank want to keep fighting and giving away our position. Getting downed and expecting me to risk my rank to come get their banners. If they simply stuck around I can get them a top 4 placement and we get the points rather than me dying and we all get negative points but they just start getting mad over the voice chat.
If they followed my method we could drop, loot up and then start slowly sneaking into the rings. We could find some death boxes on the way with better gear. And then we could easily get a top 4 or even 3 if lucky.