How to Make Friends in Toronto? (weekly megathread post)
How to Make Friends in Toronto:
- Download the Bumble BFF App and find some friends with the same interests/values as you
- MeetUp has an assortment of in-person and virtual gatherings for those wanting to connect on a hobby/interest level or learn something new
- JAM Sports has many sport leagues where you can join up as an individual with others to form a team and compete together
- The City of Toronto community centres have an array of drop-in programs here
- Find a local cause and volunteer your time; alternatively you can also check out some volunteer opportunities on Volunteer Toronto
- Check out /r/TorontoHangoutFriends for many others looking to make new connections
- Check out /r/Toronto_Walkers to find some walking routes or maybe a walking buddy
- r/AskTO has some previous threads here where many others are also seeking friendship
Or........ throw your stats & interests down below in the comments if you're so inclined. Respect and playing nice with each other is expected at all times.
This thread will be in contest mode, and refreshed weekly.