Don’t let the doomer bots make you think we’ve already lost - here’s where we actually stand right now

I wonder how much of what I read on reddit is a psyops by the alt right to have ppl "comply in advance" and delay or even undo their transition.

Yes there will be bad things for the next 2 years, like for insurance stuff, but its not the end of the world!

First, I keep hearing crazy things like fears of actual concentration camps - but even the fking nazis had to HIDE TO THEIR OWN POPULATION that they were mass killing ppl there, bc that would have been wildly unpopular.

Just think for a second: if killing ppl was impopular in FKIN NAZI GERMANY, how popular do you rly think it could be in the US?

Now that you've come back to earth, there's a lot of talk ab the 2 genders and all that, but executive orders can't do that by magic: if they conflict with a law, the law wins.

They cant create new laws eithers: there needs to be a law voted by congress, and I dont think everyone in congress with an R may vote for that.

Also, even if they did vote on that by magic, then for example for people who have already updated their documents, there'll be a "little" constitutionality problem: US Constitution's Article I, Sections 9 and 10 make ex post facto laws illegal. So it can't retroactively change definitions of sex for your papers or birth certificate.

Dont believe me, go read it in "Powers Denied Congress": "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Ppl will say ruling smtg anticonstitutional is unlikely bc the supreme court is stuffed with republicans, but look at how they voted in the past, and you'll see they DO RLY CARE about technicalities, way more than what you think!

So, even if congress rly rly want to make such a law, it cant because it would be stuck down- unless there's a constitutional amendment, but that would take more than a majory: 2/3 of congress or the states

Mark my words: there will never be a 2/3 agreement.

If you don't believe it, then look at how successful another attempt to violate the US constitution is going: removing citizenship by birth when both parents are illegal aliens.

Read the motion that 22 states signed : oh and fyi a judge just suspended that bc it agrees with this motion.

22 states, that's almost half, so no, even if Greenland, Canada and Panama became states, there won't be a successful constitutional amendment

For birthright citizenship, the SCOTUS indicated they were interested in tackling the discussion, and the EO from Trump was expected to be challenged, so this is playing out exactly like the legal community was expecting, and I predict it's gonna fail with 99.99% chances... because it was already ruled before, in 1898!

I think there's a lot of babbling and grand announcements, but I think there won't be much results or teeth in the end: its like building the wall and making mexico pay for it, or the war on drugs that BTW was lost, like vietnam or afghanistan: just look at how easy you can get weeds and other things from your friendly neighborhood dealer: it's all about making grand claims to try to negotiate little results, then putting lipstick on the pig to say "YEAH I WON"

But it's all a show!

Politicians dont rly care ab issues - its all ab pretending they do, to be elected again.

They've got to make noise so it looks like they tried to do smtg, even if everyone knew it was gonna fail.

If you rly care ab these issues, dont waste time on reddit. Instead, write to your representative to say you think there's too much time wasted on niche issues like the 2 sex thing and the trans bathroom stuff, and that if they vote on that instead of "important issues" like the price of eggs, you just aint gonna vote for them again

Sounds stupid? Yes it is, bc they cant do nothing ab eggs, but it goes with the current narrative that ppl care about practical stuff, so they will listen to that shit!