Plugin hype - do you still fall for it?

Even though you know better?

I still find myself sometimes falling into the trap of reading about a new plugin - usually something name dropped on Reddit, Gearspace or wherever, and then go down a mini-rabbit hole reading about it, looking up the price - ooh it’s on a deal too! Etc.

But then I have to go “it’s just a compressor. You already have many. You always try these out then go back to your ten year old UAD plugs. Stop it!” And snap out of it.

The big one for me are these “sampled with the actual hardware” convolution or whatever they plugins - like Acustica Audio, which has the absolute worst install manager I’ve ever seen and they all just eat so much CPU I’m not sure they’re worth it. But yet I’m still like “man, it could be just like a real Neve/API/etc!” Then remind myself that even if it was, I still have stuff already and it’ll be a make a minuscule difference.

Marketing is a hell of a drug.