Baby hates his carrier

My 4 month old hates being in a carrier. When he was a newborn, I used an elastic wrap, which he didn’t mind (but to be honest he was too small to mind anything). Now, when he outgrew it, we got a Lenny Lamb Upgrade. I put him in it after a month of not baby wearing at all and he was LIVID. I tried a few times, I met a baby wearing consultant to work on his positioning (I thought maybe he is uncomfortable). He either pushes on my chest to get out or buries his face in me and screams. I tried using it at home and walking around, on a walk to make him look at the trees. Nothing helps.

Parents who had the same problem - do you have any ideas? I need to do the laundry or wash his bottles from time to time. Plus he is getting really heavy to carry him in my arms all day long 😂