Quick question, what is sleep like to you?

Diagnosed when I became an adult, on a bunch of meds, and sleep for as long as i can remember became more of a chore than anything else. Even when im not manic i am wide awake almost all the time, and even when i do fall asleep it just doesn’t feel good.

The second meaning of this question i ask is if you have trouble with sleep quality and brutal and stressful nightmares/terrors. Me? I have nightmares and night terrors every night. I wake up sweating my a** off and feeling extremely exhausted and scared. One time in the past 5 years, i got my psychiatrist to help by giving me a medication that suppresses my dreams. It worked, but its not really effective as it used to be.

Does anyone else feel or have the same? Sleep has always been bad for me, and I always wondered if people like us have this because of the illness we have