Wind and Truth: Spiritual Realm Shenanigans MEGATHREAD

Welcome to our second topical megathread for Wind and Truth discussion, you can find our first one here: Let's Talk Towers.

So much happened in the Spiritual Realm in this book, encompassing both Dalinar and Navani's storyline to the Ghostblood storyline with Shallan, Renarin, and Rlain. Everything from visions to GavChamp to Ba-Ado-Mishram.

What were your favorite parts? What did or didn't work for you? What neat theories about the SR do you have now that we've seen it better? Let's discuss everything spiritual realm!

Please remember this is Stormlight + Wind and Truth spoilers only. Anything with greater Cosmere ties or from other books needs to be tagged and clearly labeled with the book(s) the information is from.