Pregnant and need advice about custody

I’m in a bit of a stressful situation right now. I’m a few months pregnant and I’m worried about the future. My boyfriend and I don’t live together and we’ve been dating just over a year. He has addictions, alcohol, weed, cigarettes and in the past has done coke and other drugs. He said he wants to do better so I’ve been trying to help him and be a positive role model. The majority of his friends drink and do drugs, like all but one.

He’s already telling me if it’s a boy that he’s going to let him drive alone at a young age 2-3, how he’ll smoke in front of him because all of his family did. He’s saying if he won’t want to go to school he won’t have to. Him and his family did the minimum and I’m school oriented. I’m extremely scared if it’s male he’ll ruin this child’s life. He drives drunk often, he doesn’t take care of his health, he lacks respect for women. He’s been verbally abusive to me, and he has anger issues and all this comes out when he drinks. When he’s sober he’s good but it doesn’t last long.

I don’t know if anyone has been in this type of situation. I’m at a loss of what to do in general. I’m starting to feel very depressed.