What did your CT w/ contrast feel like?

I had my first cancer CT it was at the local hospital and they said that when they injected the contrast it would feel like I had to pee. To me it just felt like my testicles were warm but that was about it. The whole sensation just lasted 10-20 seconds

My CT at MD-Anderson was night and day different. They told me three times (3 different people!) that they were going to inject the contrast faster than other hospitals and it would feel hotter. My testicles felt very hot but so did my arms and my face. It was the weirdest feeling and it felt like it lasted about 90 seconds. (For what it’s worth, MD-Anderson found a bunch of anomalies that the local CT missed. They definitely seem like they know what they are doing).

My mom said hers also felt warm in her pelvis so it seems to affect males and females similarly (in a sense).

What was your experience like?