Bubble Gum Dum-Dums
This may be the Dum-est post I’ve ever written, but if you’ve ever had a Dum-Dums lolli in the bubble gum flavor, you might notice that this one is not of typical color. Typically they’re opaque and light pink. Anyone know why this might be? Is it a permanent change or a fluke? (Possibly a switch between making cream soda lollis and then making bubble gum?)
This may be the Dum-est post I’ve ever written, but if you’ve ever had a Dum-Dums lolli in the bubble gum flavor, you might notice that this one is not of typical color. Typically they’re opaque and light pink. Anyone know why this might be? Is it a permanent change or a fluke? (Possibly a switch between making cream soda lollis and then making bubble gum?)