Update on socialist economy play through
So I've been customizing my games a bit more. I set the starting year at 1940 and I established a company called the "Public Co-operative" as a socialistic workers co-op. The country has 7 cities. The AI political parties controlled the municipal governments in a Centre-right govt.
Through the early 40s I grew modestly and in the late 40s had a communist party news paper HQ in every city and "radio revolution" in every city. My Communist party won 4 out of the 7 municipal elections and I immediately banned all future land sales except for the Public Co-op to build up industries, a single central Bank and such. In the 1955 elections the communist party won all 7 municipal elections
Talking to chatgpt it said the elections were not free as the communist party spent $300 million while the opposition parties combined spent $26 million and the only media companies were the govt TV, radio and news paper and the Public co-op news paper and radio.
By the late 50s all cities were self sufficient in food with Public co-op farms supplying the Public co-op fruit and vege shops and super markets with food subsidized cheaply. All government apartments had rents subsidized to 80% the market rate while Public Co-op apartments also had rent subsidized to 80% market rate
Unemployment remained stubbornly high, around 8% and in 1961 5 out of the 7 cities had deficits and would run out of money in a a matter of years, the bank was also reformed to reduce its risky lending into more safer lending practices and the bank started to become super profitable. As a result of the municipal deficit crisis the Public Co-op heavily invested in the troubled cities with new industries and by 1963 after 2 years of heavy Public co-op investment all cities had healthy surplus
The restricted private companies that had not grown since the ban on land sales in the 1950s saw their share of the economy shrink as the Public Co-op became the monopolistic behemoth that was the main arm for the construction of socialism
In 1965 the communist party once again maintained its monopoly on power and a new round of rent subsidies pushed rents down to 70% market rate. During this time after long discussions with chatgpt it was decided the new five year plan would focus on a locally based circular economy focused on renewable and sustainability.
By the late 60s, the Public co-op had developed biofuel vehicles and fuel was subsidized cheaply. Unemployment got as low as 3%, some cities had 2% Unemployment and social services were maxed out with quality of life rated around 86 across the nation
The economy began to skyrocket and boom and to offset inflation the Public Co-op froze it's prices and even reduced prices for essential food staples in the supermarkets. The Public Co-op was earning so much money it could easily afford the generous socialist benefits and Unemployment welfare remained at 50%
In 1970 the communist party had been in power for 20 years at this point and focused on building up it's construction sector and started to export its biofuel cars which slowly started to turn around the trade deficit for the country
It is currently 1972, the Public Co-op employs over 25,000 people and GDP per capita of the country is around $36,000. Rents are subsidized to around 60% the market rate and there are more homes then there are people meaning homelessness does not exist.
Talking to chatgpt I worked out the country is the size of Lebanon or Jamaica and many of the natural resources will run out by the new millennium with resource depletion so the goal of the party for the next five year plan 1975-1980 is build up consumer electronics like TV and radio, fridges etc for domestic supply and they will be built to last and be easily repairable and all resources in its production can be easily recovered and recyclable with a new "green socialism" philosophy
And that is the state of my socialist economy in Capitalism Lab haha not what the game intended, but hey.