FELV must be eliminated in our lifetime , we must find a cure
My poor cat 3.8 years is going through end stage leukemia and bone marrow failure from what the vet claimed is a progressive FELV infection which lived dormant in her since she was a kitten. She was negative for FELV when I adopted her and developed it just recently but the process of progressive anemia was likely in effect for some time. Her brother came back negative for a PCR — he was crying while she was in the hospital. The situation as of now is bleak and she needs a Christmas miracle to survive.
What I am telling you all is that it has been tough come to terms with the lack of options to combat this virus. I want to start a nonprofit aimed at eliminating this virus within our lifetime. The nature of it is cruel and basically undetectable once it hides in the host’s bones. I don’t know if anyone has had success in any way/shape/form with beating a progressive FELV infection with end stage leukemia and bone marrow failure and I’m very open to any advice(no place us currently attempting bone marrow transplants in cats). But at this point I’m also determined that we must declare a war on this virus and exterminate it within our lifetimes. I dont want anyone else to go through this with their pets , it is a type of nightmare where there is no waking up.