Why is this better for black?

I still can’t tell why this is better for black. Engine gives this a -0.5 edge. This was a terrible game but I did win it because he hung a piece in one move (well I did too but he didn’t see it) but I can’t tell why this is better for black. White has the bishop pair and a lot more space whereas black’s pieces are cramped down. White’s queen has a lot of mobility whilst’s black’s queen looks weird. There are no open files but a lot of semi open ones and I feel like both my bishops are pretty good with the squares they control. And if I can (which I did) I can trade off my OK dsb for his excellent dsb but the engine hates that too possibly because I give up the bishop pair. My king is also a lot safer. Can anyone explain to me why?

Game Review: https://lichess.org/ExDM5zwM

I still can’t tell why this is better for black. Engine gives this a -0.5 edge. This was a terrible game but I did win it because he hung a piece in one move (well I did too but he didn’t see it) but I can’t tell why this is better for black. White has the bishop pair and a lot more space whereas black’s pieces are cramped down. White’s queen has a lot of mobility whilst’s black’s queen looks weird. There are no open files but a lot of semi open ones and I feel like both my bishops are pretty good with the squares they control. And if I can (which I did) I can trade off my OK dsb for his excellent dsb but the engine hates that too possibly because I give up the bishop pair. My king is also a lot safer. Can anyone explain to me why?

Game Review: https://lichess.org/ExDM5zwM