What vegetables prefer bacterial vs fungal compost?
So my compost pile is almost ready to use, although I think it's pretty bacterial dominated (mostly aerobic) since it's still hot.
I also picked up some mushroom compost from a local mushroom farm that has a lot of mycelium in it (another gardener who was picking some up said I should only use 1 part mushroom compost to 4 parts soil because it would burn my plants if I used too much mushroom compost?).
What vegetables prefer what? I heard brassicas prefer bacterial compost while nightshades might benefit from more fungal compost? How about cucurbits, mallows (okra, roselle, water spinach), lettuces? Rhubarb? Figs? Sweet potatoes?
There's a bunch of stuff I still need to plant actually - others include herbs, passionflower, cinnamon vine, sunflowers, beans, strawberries, onions, umbellifers, various amaranth family greens, malabar spinach, salsify, flowers (marigolds, snapdragons, nasturtiums).