Theres a pretty major bug that wrecks blight right now.

It seems alot of people, at least at the high end of the matchmaking know about this bug already (since they are all using it), but if you run directly into blight now, there is nothing he can do because there is a new bug that makes it so it thinks a survivor is a wall so it prevents blight from rushing (and thus attacking).

He cant even really turn to change direction and rush or anything because the survivor is too close. Alot of survivors are now exploiting this and unfortunately the only way to avoid it is to do long range rushes, short range is completely negated by this exploit. Alot of survs don't have it perfected yet though so when they try it there will be small windows of blight being able to rush and get the hit, but there are a few who have perfected it to the point where the option to continue the rush will never appear no matter what you do.

This bug seems to have appeared with the last patch.