Mavic 2 Pro not connecting to RC

My Mavic 2 Pro refuses to connect to the RC, I tried literally everything:

  1. updated the RC and the drone to the latest firmwares.
  2. Downgraded each on their own.
  3. Tried a combination of firmwares.
  4. Tried rebinding the RC to the drone.

As a last resort, I tore down the drone to see if any cables got disconnected, but everything looked fine. I disconnected some cables to try to isolate any part that may be causing the problem, it did connect once though, but when I tried to recreate the steps I've done, it went back to not connecting. It's all put back together now, and I have yet to find a solution to my problem. I cannot know for sure if the problem is related to the drone or to the RC.

Any help would be much appreciated.