Mysterious wallet dissapearance

Hello everyone,

I’m posting here as I didn’t lose my hope yet and I need some advice. Yesterday night I took a taxi from Al Nadha to Jadaf. When I got in the taxi I had the wallet with me. But then today when I needed the wallet I couldn’t find it. I did not leave the house in this time. Called RTA the taxi driver said he found it. Taxi driver came turns out it’s not my wallet but a bag. I insisted that it was just a little wallet, taxi driver said this is all what he found. Now I have two theories: either I dropped it in the taxi and the taxi driver is keeping it( I had just the equivalent of 50-100 aed in Russian rubbles in cash), but I am wondering if there is a reason he would keep it( fraud with my emirates id or idk, I need your insights here) and second theory: it fell out of the car which is across the road in front of my building. I crossed the street quickly so I had no time to notice if it dropped. In this case is someone finds it and they want to return it I suppose they will go to the police. Now my question is, should I go check with the police or they will call me in case someone finds it? I said mysterious disappearance because I had next to the wallet the key card from my building which I didn’t lose. I checked the CCTV in my building and I can’t see if I have or not the wallet in my hand. In the house I searched everywhere. Any stories with happy ending will help my low spirit as well 🥹 (PS: thinking of all those videos where people are leaving their wallets outside and no one is taking them 😂😂 I know it’s unrealistic, but I need hope)

Thank you 🥹