Should i give up ?
Hi everyone i am a 30year old female, so far i had a boring but fulfilled life, was working on a corporate job for 5 years, decided to quit 2 years ago and move country. I moved to Dubai things didn't go as expected but got better, i found a remote job that i liked, started dating someone and kinda had a stability i never had. Fast forward to 2024, i broke up with my ex he was horrible to me but i was desperate for a relationship so i stayed until i couldnt, i was super sad, fast forward 2 months later i lost my job unfairly, and it was tough. I stayed positive even though everything was falling apart, i decided to launch my business and take content creation seriously, that's what i have been doing for the past 4 months but so far i am not getting traction, clients for my business or anything and i am starting to feel depleted and hopeless. Life in Dubai is expensive and stressful and you compare yourself for no reason. I also attempted dating but got two mini heartbreaks, two guys i kinda liked , both turned out to ghost me, unfollowed me from social media after i didn't sleep with them (i saw them both twice before) i shouldn't care because obviously they didn't care they just wanted to hit and dip and once they knew it was not going to happen they ditched me, classic tale but after the year i had it was hard not to take it personally and feel a certain way and let it affect my ego and confidence. In general i don't get approached a lot, even though i am "considered attractive" (i am also a signed model), since i am darker skinned i thought that explains why, but it's not only that probably. I guess i tend to overfixate on the few men who give me attention and let it affect my self worth. Anyway the "failures" of my past relationship, the "failures" of my business and endeavors are making me doubting myself, my life, and of course even though 30 is still relatively young i feel a pressure i feel behind, and feel stuck at life. I want to give up on everything but deep down i know i have so much potential and i am a positive and happy person i am just exhausted and really don't know what to do anymore, i tried therapy but i didn't help that much. I should maybe try volunteering or community work on my free time but don't know many in Dubai