Panzer 3 E Guide

Hello! Well i see you have unlocked the Panzer 3 E! (Or you are very near to doing it) Well thats great! Because its an actuall tank for once! Sure the Panzer 3 B was good when used right and it could turn the whole round around, but this one is obviously the better one! So this time i am making a guide on the Panzer 3 E. (Note that this guide will be updated based on what i experience)

So lets show you how to Blitzkrieg with profession!

First of all, we look at the armour values. This thing has 30mm of armour. When meeting t-60s, You say "Ahahaha, you cannot pen me, but i can pen you!". When meeting t-26s, you have to be a bit more careful, as they can go through your armour because they are tank destroyers. Angle and they will have problems. When meeting T-28 they can also pen you but you can also pen them. Sidescrape and angle and they will have problems. You can shoot the transmission or the"box" in the middle of the tank in front.

Armour: 35mm in front, and if im not mistaken also in the side. 20 mm in back.

Gun: 37mm and has access to HE and APHE. Ap shell has 47mm pen and can pen T-28E from front.

Speed: 75 km/h (46 mph). But this tank only achieves that in downhill. On rough terrain or roads it can be 46 km/h. (30 mph)


1: The Abuser of beer. Type: Defence

This one is pretty fun. When waiting for the enemies to come to you you are only one cm from imortality. Because if its only infantry use your dual MGs and show them how you say Sheisse. If a tank comes to you, no problemo. You are already still and they have to stop and aim and until then you can shoot them to smithereens.

2 The Blitzkrieg master. Type: Offensive

You can brawl with this tank very easely as long as there are no tanks and if there are they are not looking at you. Angle your tank either way and go brawling and delete the infantry defending the point so your fellow germans can pour a cop of Beer and then come to you. Although the maching gun is good, the gun itself is somewhat strange. Even with He, shooting the ground doesnt do anything. If you use HE sometimes it will work, but keep on APHE so that you can shoot tanks when they appear. Then shoot infantry with it.

3 The Speedy Boi. Type: Offensive

Things you can do with this tank is that you can go fast. In downhill this tank reaches 75 km/h. (Roughfly 46 mph.) But beware it does not reach that even in an asphalt. BUt that doesnt mean it is slow, no no this tank is fast and it reaches 45km/h on a road and 35-39 on rough terrain and it has a great reverse speed too. (The Panzer 3 B didnt so its a great upgrade). Use this speed to flank and use your MG34s too massacer infantry. See an tank? Kill it because you should have flanked it. This thing has great Reload as well and you can almost "machine gun tanks" with your main cannon.

4 The Hider and the seeker. (Or the Peekaboo tactic) Type: Defensive.

This is a very fun thing to do especially against tanks. You can go and hide behind a building and either use your frontal armour or you side armour to side skirt or "front" skirt. Peek your frontal or side armour until someone shoots and then drive out, shoot and reverse. Beware! When doing this, dont forget to angle and dont show your wheels and lower side armour as those can be penned if not angled drastically. This is effective against: T-26, T-28E and the T-60. (Altough the t-60 is very bad and cannot kill you if not shooting accurately and cant pen your frontal armour ecen if not angled and you can just frontal it) When using the side, wait until the enemy shoots, then back off and shoot the tank and then go back again. (T-26 are usually easy to kill with two well placed shots in the front). The reverse on the B variant was not bad, but it could kill you sometimes. This is better.

5 Ambush is wunderbar. Type: Passive

This is a good thing to do when the enemy uses tanks a lot. Lets say you are playing moscow on fortified district. Then its good to ambush when there are a lot of tanks and infantry. Because you have the two gut gut MGs then its easy to make a laser so nobody can get by. But beware it can overheat. Then use your main gun. If there is another tank with you, its even better. But watch out because those pesky russians will try to kill you. Always look at your side every now and then. And because tanks dont expect you you can get a clean shot at their side.

More Tactics will come...

Thanks for reading and auf wiedersehen!