The real reason Islam gets so much more hate recently

Hi so Ive never been Muslim but I have noticed a lot more islamic hate on social media recently. Muslims will claim islamophobia racism or whatever but the reason is actually really simple.

A lot of you guys would say it's due to information about islam being more available now and the amount of islamic terrorism. However, that's only part of the reason.

The actual reason is because of the amount of Dawah that Muslims spread and for some reason gets recommended on social media. Muslims are constantly trying to spread islam to other people despite them not being interested, and when you tell them this they get mad. Even in real life they do this, although in social media it's way worse and I wish they would just stop.

This is one of the things that comes back to bite them. As they annoy and harass people by promoting islam, but now people can easily search up many of the "unsavoury" things in the Qur'an and hadith and then that pushes them away from the religion.

So ironically the rise in islam hate is actually partially their fault