Currently in flight and anxious for upcoming weather on route

Hi all, currently on BR005 and it’s been a great cruise so far. I noticed there is some nasty weather coming up over Japan. I noticed this flight route is going to go right through it on Flight Aware. Just want support and reassurance we aren’t going to go directly through what looks like an icy thunderstorm? Is the turbulence going to be rough?

Also, the arrival time I am seeing on Flight Aware is completely different than what I’m seeing on my flight. Flight Aware has us arriving an hour and 20 minutes early (3:57pm) but in flight has the original arrival time of 5:20pm. Which one is correct? I would love to be an hour early but don’t want to get my hopes up. :(

I’ve been hanging in there so far but low-key freaking out about this upcoming weather I’m seeing on the map.