HELP! Do these curtains look awful?

My husband and I got into such a tiff about dang curtains. We had a pair of blackout curtains in our living room that were a lovely color for the space (in my opinion) but he insisted on moving them to the bedroom. I told him we could just buy more blackout curtains for our living room but he is so frugal and thought it was such a waste to do so (he might be right!!). LONG STORY SHORT, I dug these curtains out of storage that were a gift from a few years ago and I never got around to using them because they didn’t really match my style and they’re super long. I hung those up in the living room to compromise with my husband and moved the black out to my room.

Do the dark ones work in my space? They’re way out of my comfort zone and I do really like them, but I’m worried I’m just convincing myself I like them to appease my husband. I need an outside eye to tell me the truth 😭 I’m including a pic of the cream colored blackout curtains as a “before” in the very last slide. Thank you!!!!!