Need some advice I don’t know if I’m being overly cautious?
So I have just purchased another new tank and am getting prepared to set it up. I was really hoping to put pea puffers in it and only one store near me has them available. I phoned them just there and asked how long can you reserve them for as they sell out quick. I told the guy on the phone that I would need a couple weeks to get the beneficial bacteria going and to get it a bit more mature also that I was planning on using some filter media from my other tank to kickstart the process, he sounded really confused when I said this and said that you don’t need to do that if I buy bacteria starter I can have it cycled in a day and that people no longer wait for it to cycle that it’s a thing of the past now that we have bacteria starter… and pick them up over the weekend. I don’t really trust this as surely adding fish so quick will eventually cause a big ammonia spike and the tank won’t be mature enough to handle fish. I think I am just going to do what I did with my other tanks and wait a few weeks before adding fish and just accept the loss if they have none at this time. Am I being overly cautious and does bacteria starter really help? I would like some other peoples opinions on this and see what worked for them. Thanks!