Poll - Richard Dawkins Spectrum Of Theistic Probability.
Curious to know of the proportion of people here who are religious, agnostic, or atheist, based off Richard Dawkins spectrum of theistic probability.
Note - I can't go to 7 in a poll so will remove number 4. Add it to the comments if this is you, or try to contribute to the poll if you can.
1. Strong Theist: 100% certainty that God exists.
2. De facto Theist: Very high probability but not absolutely certain.
3. Leaning Towards Theism: Higher than 50% probability, but less certain.
4. Completely Impartial Agnostic: Exactly 50%—God's existence is equally probable as His non-existence.
5. Leaning Towards Atheism: Lower than 50% probability of God existing, but not certain.
6. De facto Atheist: Very low probability, but not 100% sure that God does not exist.
7. Strong Atheist: 100% certainty that God does not exist.