Free will as the ability to solve problems

This is not a claim or a theory. This is just a suggestion for a definition of free will.

We all are able to at least try to solve problems. There is no doubt or debate about that. I think that the ability to solve problems could very well deserve to be called free will.

Naturally we cannot choose the problems we face. But we can and we must choose the solutions. Problems never determine their solutions. There are always multiple possible solutions for every problem, some better, some worse. Every solution is a choice, every choice is a solution to a problem.

Every problem arises from the mismatch between the circumstances and the agent's preferences. Reality is not quite the way the agent would like it to be. To correct this mismatch the agent must change the circumstances, because he cannot change his preferences.

Example: You are hungry, you need food, you have a problem. Your hunger is not telling you what to do. You have to come up with a solution, an idea for a course of action that will get you some food with least negative consequences.