Gathering Invite
Were putting together a gathering in Accra to share and enjoy the spectrum of cool stuff you and your colleagues in the community can do, and to just socialize as well. This is inspired by this post:
- If you are good at standing up to tell a joke, come prepared to contribute exactly that.
- Are you a good karaoke singer or play an instrument? Come and serenade us with your voice or instrument.
- Good with pencil art? I'm sure people would enjoy having their portrait done.
- Like to make cocktails or have some other skill? Come share that with us.
- Want to share making an interesting but simple recipe? The would be fun as well.
If you just want to socialize or bring something to have, that's also fine, no pressure.
Were renting a small house place to have this gathering, so be prepared to pitch in something small toward the cost. The tentative date is Saturday, May 4th. You can DM me if you would like to be part, with the following information:
- What date would work for you (it should probably be this coming weekend, or the weekend after that)
- What activity you would like to share with the gathering, if any (could be stand up comedy, karaoke, playing a musical instrument, making a cocktail, cooking something new, teaching a skill, etc)