Thanks for the tip on seam rippers

I really like a lot of the teddy fresh I've purchased, certainly don't have any desire to get rid of it. I absolutely love my big Sherpa sweatshirt.

Whoever pointed out that you can just buy seam rippers to remove the branding, I've got to thank you so much. Frankly, I hated the big logos on my clothes anyway, so there may be other things I'm going to use this on too. Five bucks on Amazon well spent, and you can find plenty of tutorials on how it's done.

Especially with today's accusations against an artist for being anti-Semitic because they politely declined working with Teddy fresh, makes me feel a little more incentivized to get rid of these tags.

I really like a lot of the teddy fresh I've purchased, certainly don't have any desire to get rid of it. I absolutely love my big Sherpa sweatshirt.

Whoever pointed out that you can just buy seam rippers to remove the branding, I've got to thank you so much. Frankly, I hated the big logos on my clothes anyway, so there may be other things I'm going to use this on too. Five bucks on Amazon well spent, and you can find plenty of tutorials on how it's done.

Especially with today's accusations against an artist for being anti-Semitic because they politely declined working with Teddy fresh, makes me feel a little more incentivized to get rid of these tags.