cards like dirty rat
I haven't played this game in like 5 years, and back then i thought dirty rat was a pretty stupid and cancerous mechanic. I'm not saying anything about overpowered, just what's bad design and a stupid idea from game design. By the way, I play mostly a quite off-meta but fun deck of Tess rogue. But i came around, and found that dirty rat can have a place in the game to fight combo, etc. It is possible to play around it by keeping minions in hand.
But now, it seems dirty rat is the least concern of people who just want to have a fair and fun game where skill and decisions matter. There is at least 5 different cards with similar effect, and I could make this whole post about the stupidity of patchwerk, but for me the ultimate scumbaggery is theotar, which you basically can't play around. I want to reiterate that this post is not about balance, they are not OP cards. they are just a stupid mechanic, wasting people's time. If I lost to aggro, I am totally fine with this, turn 6, im basically dead, gg, next game. Or I win, the token druid runs out of steam, gg, next game. If I lose to a win condition like armor warrior dealing 30 damage on 2 turns or mage face blast 28 damage in 1 turn, It's fine. But if I invest 20 minutes on a game and get cheated of the only thing that makes it worth it, i.e. playing your big value cards like Tess, Azshara, etc., and I am left wondering, should I stay in the game for another 10 minutes just for the off-chance I can still win, idk how the game designers thought that this is a good idea.
At that point, the only thing that makes sense to me is rope and prolong the game for as long as possible so that the assholes playing those cards don't waste someone else's time. Quit honestly they deserve the least amount of enjoyment possible and I hope they and the game designers get a brain.