Genuine Hide and Seek suggestions to improve the sad state of the game

First suggestion - Overhaul the maps. All of them - especially the older ones. People have spent COUNTLESS hours memorizing these maps in custom games. They then jump into the public games, sit idle in front of the seeker spawn, and then run through the entire map eliminating every hider block based off their memorization of it in under two minutes. It isn't classified as cheating, but it does wreck the fun of it for everyone else and puts the obnoxious fun-suckers at the top of the leaderboard for all of eternity when they don't even make an effort to actually do any hiding. The maps need to change (would be cool if there were multiple versions of each map with different changes each time, tbh) - with more spaces to hide that aren't well known, and we need more maps for more variety (there's TONS of Java maps we don't get on Bedrock, for instance). Blocks also need to MATCH the environment (Looking at you Pripyat, with your dark oak stairs and spruce leaves...) and there need to be more challenging places to hide that aren't so easily accessed, so seekers need to work for it.

Secondly, I know I'll probably get mowed over for this, but I'm suggesting it anyway, cause I'm tired of watching people run around and bully seekers and having the seekers quit. Then I get dragged outta my nice, cozy hiding spot because I've been randomly selected to replace them... That, or they run around in circles (and because they've got a speed boost AND knockback they're nearly impossible to catch without getting lucky) and send the Seekers on wild goose chases for the full four minutes. The game is called HIDE and Seek. If people wanna go smack other folks with a sword, they should go play Skywars or Bedwars. In my humble and I'm sure probably unpopular opinion, there ought to be an in-game punishment for refusing to hide. My suggestion is that after two minutes of not being hidden, you automatically become a seeker, yourself.

I'm not holding my breath these suggestions will happen, but here they are, anyway. I'm frail. Be gentle LOL.