Neighborhood pools
If you have a neighborhood pool (for homeowners and their guests only), how do you all handle strangers/non homeowners ners obtaining access.
We have a log book we use and a gate that closes with a magnet. Time after time when I arrive the gate has been propped open and the log book doesn’t reflect who is there (for example, I’m here now and according to the book we should be the only ones here, yet there’s a young woman here alone, but two men were with her until we showed up).
We’ve had issues with our pool being trashed in the past, and I pay annually to maintain and have access to it.
I did ask the young woman in a neighborly-way where about she stays and she stuttered and stammered. She was tanning and causing no harm so I didn’t really escalate beyond that, but I’ve had times where there were 15+ people here unaccounted for.
Just wondering if anyone else has developed a system that works a little better.
ETA: Our pool is gated with key card only access. It is in a HOA and is private, for homeowners and their guests only. And the homeowner must be on the premises the whole time their guests are. Propping open the gate is against the rules, not logging in the book is against the rules, unaccompanied minors are against the rules.
It has been abused as a “community pool” on several occasions where kids/people from cities over attempt to use it crowding actual homeowners out. I feel it’s important to note, as so many seem to be concerned of a strangers safety by all accounts should not have been there in the first place.
But thanks to those who gave me real advice to work with!