Indian Art r/place
We don't know the official time of when r/place will end, but will most probably end in the coming hours.
So we are not going to make any major changes or arts anymore, our full priority will be defence, we can't risk losing everything in the last minutes.
Thank You all, for your cooperation.
Be alert and ready to jump in to defend (if) needed.
Keep your tiles saved.
We have some intel that people may target our work at the last 5 mins, we will be at max defence. All bots are ready and operational.
Guy's people are trying to make namaste art to the right of the chakra, it's not an attack. Please do not erase it.
coords and design in the link,
We have a huge following in this sub, we have to make some impact. Everyone should remember that everything we do on r/place is being recorded and watched by millions and will be watched by even more in the coming days, lets's stay responsible and make a change.
Please do not follow any other sub or discord for this thread this is independent of them all.